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We stay together, we stay strong!

By now we are losing track of just how many days we have been in quarantine, and although the numbers are looking positive, plenty of businesses, and with it people and families, have suffered a big hit with this pandemic. It’s not quite certain when businesses will be able to reopen again and when we are going back to normal, but we stay positive and most importantly stay at home!

And while we are at home, we have plenty of time to imagine and dream about the day when we will be able to fully go outside. What would be the first place you go? Your favourite coffee shop, a favourite restaurant, the gym? We have to admit that the one thing we miss most every morning is that freshly poured ‘café con leche’ and ‘pan con tomate’, or those delicious ‘churros con chocolate’.  And while we are here imagining the smell of that fresh coffee, the owners of that coffee shop are probably worrying about their business. Will they be able to reopen again, how long will it take them to recover from their loss, will the government help, will the clients return? A lot of questions going through their heads. But we all can help.

By going local when we are back to normal, we can help those businesses. Try to go for your morning coffee to a little coffee shop just down the street. Need some fresh bread? Go to the convenience store next door. Fancy a delicious Spanish tapa? Go to your local Spanish restaurant.

We are lucky enough to have plenty of choice in our beautiful town, numerous coffee shops, many Spanish and international restaurants, bars and pubs—we have it all. You can see a list of local business on our website, in the blog section and also on our Facebook page.

While we stay together, we stay strong. Stay home and stay safe everyone!

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