Tres Jardines Park

The maintenance and use of the Three Gardens Park will be managed by the City Council

A study will be conducted to get the park to the status that users have been demanding for some time.

The mayor of Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, and the delegate of the Junta de Andalucía in Málaga, José Luis Ruiz Espejo, signed the delivery certificate for the Tres Jardines park in San Pedro Alcántara.

Angeles Muñoz stated, “We are going to carry out a project to recover this facility and place it in the best possible conditions for use.” She also pointed out that once this step has been taken, the maintenance of an area with 98,000 square meters will be further studied.

She went on to say, “This space is one of the parks that can have greater visibility and provide more enjoyment for citizens.”

The delegate of the Andalucian Government has reiterated that with this act they completed the administrative process, which began negotiations several years ago, for the transfer of the management, maintenance and use of the park.

It was stated “From today, the City takes charge, indefinitely of this garden area with its great environmental value and divided into three differentiated areas (Arab, Mediterranean and the Costa del Sol).