San Pedro neighbourhoods – Fuente Nueva

San Pedro is best known for its central boulevard and town centre, but maybe you want to move away from your comfort zone, from the stores where they frequently speak English and investigate the surrounding Spanish neighbourhoods, which is by the way, the best method to learn a language – and […]

San Pedro Guide’s exciting collaboration with Town Hall

The San Pedro Guide is pleased to announce an exciting new collaborative relationship with the official San Pedro department of tourism. This new, closer relationship will mean more information for you, faster. We will be able to inform you of upcoming events and initiatives and will complement the work that the […]

Private security for public spaces in San Pedro Alcántara

The City of Marbella is hiring private security for twenty-eight public spaces in San Pedro Alcántara in a contract worth 1.4 million euros over a four-year duration. Marbella town hall is to place private security guards in 28 public spaces in San Pedro Alcántara, including parks and gardens as well as […]

Bad news for San Pedro independence supporters


The Pro-Independence Association of San Pedro Alcántara has issued a communiqué in which it confirms that following the latest negative findings by the constitutional courts, its appeal for independence and creation of the Municipality of San Pedro will be dropped. As this was the highest judgement to which they can lodge […]

What to do in an emergency in San Pedro Alcántara

Policia San Pedro

Living in Spain is fantastic especially on the Costa del Sol; eternal sunshine and beautiful beaches, just like paradise. But an emergency can ruin your little paradise if you don’t know what to do or who to call. Many tourists and even foreign residents who came here to enjoy a carefree […]