It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas

Although it never snows in San Pedro and some years you can even celebrate Christmas in your T-shirt and flip-flops, the Christmas spirit still invades our little town. And it’s starting to look a lot like Christmas already. For the past two years, we saw a giant, festive walk-through bauble that […]

Festive agenda for San Pedro Alcántara 2018-2019

Below is an up to date agenda of all the events organised by the San Pedro town hall for December 2018 and January 2019. WEDNESDAY, 26TH – From 17:00hrs. Welcoming the Royal Mailman of the Three Wise Men – Los Reyes Magos de Oriente, with animated parades through the following streets: […]

San Pedro Christmas lights schedule

Although San Pedro doesn’t have snow over Christmas, it is still exciting to enjoy the many events the town has planned for us, and starting tomorrow, Friday, the traditional Christmas light up for the season will take place, with all the festive decorations throughout the town. This year there will be […]