Summer’s here and it’s time for Gazpacho!

One of the typical dishes people enjoy in Spain, especially in Andalucía, is called GAZPACHO. A traditional, cold soup with unknown origins but generally thought to date back to the time of the Moors and Arabic culture – which today is a staple of Spanish cuisine.

It’s an excellent choice on hot summer days as it is so refreshing and very good for you nutritionally as it should always be made with fresh vegetables. Excellent for those on a diet with only 19 calories per 100gr, it’s filled with vitamins too including A, B12, B6, C, D, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Gazpacho must be served cold, while some people prefer a very liquid version, storing it in the fridge to drink; it is also served with a side plate of chopped onions, peppers, croutons and tomatoes, diced into very small pieces to sprinkle on with the soup. This option is mainly served in restaurants, but you can also prepare it for yourself at home with the remaining vegetables.


1 kilo of ripe tomatoes (tomates maduros)
1 green pepper (pimiento verde)
¼ cucumber (pepino)
1 clove of garlic (diente de ajo)
150gr of white bread (pan blanco)
1/4 glass extra virgin olive oil (aceite virgen extra)
1 tablespoons of white wine vinegar (vinagre blanco)
Salt and water (sal y agua)

Remove the stalks of the tomatoes and chop them. Place tomatoes in a bowl and add the chopped green pepper (deseeded), a peeled cucumber also in slices, the garlic clove and the bread broken into small pieces. Pour on the extra virgin olive oil (always use good quality olive oil), a tablespoon of white wine vinegar, a pinch of salt and 1/2 glass of water. Blitz in a blender until you get the desired consistency, adding more water should you prefer a more liquid consistency and chill in the fridge.
