Stop FAKE news!

With the current situation around coronavirus and lockdown, unfortunately, we are seeing an increase in the circulation of fake news. Just recently we shared on our social media a message that is being sent across WhatsApp, saying that the town hall of Marbella has announced that from April 11 it will be possible to go for a walk on the Passeo Maritimo and in the old town in groups of two and with your masks and glows on. Unfortunately, this is not true, and such an announcement has not been released. And we can present plenty of other examples of fake news that have appeared on social media over the past few weeks.

We don’t know why people do that. Maybe someone thinks it’s funny or are trying to find a way to entertain themselves during the lockdown, but these messages can have a devastating result. We are starting to see very positive changes in coronavirus numbers, so it is clear that the lockdown is working, so by disobeying the rules and following one of those messages we could put in jeopardy all the hard work that has been done over the past four weeks.

We just wanted to remind you that it is important to only check reliable sources for any information regarding the lockdown, such as government pages and websites, local townhalls such as Tenéncia de Alcaldía de San Pedro Alcántara and Ayuntamiento de Marbella. For newspapers you should be checking El Pais (or El Pais English) or a local one Sur in English.

We are also proud to say that our guide, San Pedro Alcántara Guide could be used as a trusted source as we put time and effort into checking everything that is posted on our social media. We only share news and updates from trusted sources. We know many of our followers do not speak Spanish, so our job is to make sure that every expat receives the correct information.

If you have any questions, you can always message us and we will try our best to get the answers for you.

Once again thank you to everyone for staying home—we know sometimes it may seem like nothing, but by following the rules we are making the lives of our heroes easier.