San Pedro’s health centre construction delay solved

The new general manager of SAS (the Andalusian health service), Miguel Ángel Guzmán, has just announced to the press that the works on San Pedro Alcantara’s health centre C/Principe de Asturias, will resume shortly. This is after work was halted two months ago due to budgetary differences.

The CEO of reassured San Pedro’s citizens that the situation has already been unlocked, and an agreement has been reached with the construction company so works will be finished without having to place the original project out to tender again.

The centre will hopefully be open by the end of this year or early next. “It is a problem in the process of firm solution,” commented the health Guzmán.

Marbella’s general hospital
There is also good news on the continued expansion works at the Costa del Sol Hospital, as Guzmán also commented on this issue, ensuring that it is a constant priority on their agenda, and the administrative deadlock has been solved. He confirmed that new deadline dates will be issued soon – in the first half of this year – although the project will be out to tender again within the year, as there is now a budget for the works of the new project.

If you require medical assistance in San Pedro, read our previous blogs on useful numbers and what to do in case of an emergency:

Image courtesy of: Ayuntamiento de Marbella