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San Pedro beach environmental news

We all love to go to the beach, but sometimes we need a little reminder about the rules and regulations regarding protection and sanitary measures, so the town hall has issued an official notice that is aimed to ensure people’s safety, encourage good behaviour and generally avoid causing any inconvenience to others. We should look after our beaches, which is our environmental heritage.

The rules start on 01 June and are in place until 15 October and beachlovers are reminded about the following issues:

Beach use conditions – the rules state that no car parking or circulation is allowed on the beach, this includes any type of vehicle except those authorised, as well as camping overnight (caravans and tents). Street vending and massage activities on the beach are also strictly forbidden (for the latter you need municipal authorisation otherwise you are at risk of a being fined).

Waste material and litter: all kinds of waste outside the beach bins and authorised places is completely forbidden. Showers are only for water usage – the use of soap and shampoo is entirely prohibited.

Sports: Although the authorities do turn a blind eye to some sports as long as no-one is bothered, playing sports or similar games such as beach paddle, soccer, petanque, surfing etc. is not allowed, especially when the beach is full. So it is always best to choose less crowded areas for this. Due to public safety, line fishing is allowed from the shore between 8:00hrs and 20:00hrs only during the summer season.

Barbecues or ‘moragas’ (beach bonfires): for beach-night barbecues check our previous article on the rules and how to request the corresponding permission at the town hall.

Precautions when swimming Red flag: Danger! Never go into the water under any circumstances when the red flag is up, it is prohibited for sea safety reasons.

Animals: You cannot ride horses or bring dogs or any other pets to the beach. Dogs will only be allowed on the designated dog beaches and must be controlled by the owner at all times. You must always collect the animal’s stool from the sand as well.

Also, motorboats and yachts must not enter the yellow buoyed bathing areas or come within 200 metres of the beach.

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