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Making an official complaint in San Pedro

OMIC – Oficina Municipal de Información al Consumidor

OMIC is a free, information and consumer oriented service provided by the town hall that also mediates in conflicts that may arise between consumers and businesses in order to reach a friendly solution.

OMIC Services
The OMIC office is established to offer information, support and guide consumers. It coordinates claims and complaints, which have been submitted either directly by the consumer or have been referred by other Consumer Information Offices or Consumer Associations, processing their reception and mediation.

OMIC also promotes the education and training of consumers by collaborating with other public and private entities that are also dedicated to consumer protection.

Another aspect that they are involved in is when a claim or complaint has not reached an amicable agreement, they can then refer this to the Consumer Arbitration Board. In general, OMIC performs any function that contributes to the protection of consumers.

The OMIC office in San Pedro is situated in the town’s main street, Calle Marqués del Duero, 69, telephone number is – 952 768 758, email –, opening hours from 9:00 to 14:00hrs. They also have a website with information provided by the government authorities on consumer rights, and updated news and regulations: OMIC.

If you don’t speak Spanish, you can also contact the foreign office for international residents, who can provide you with answers on the matter or mediate with the OMIC office: and

The OMIC office also receives the ‘Hoja de Reclamaciones’ – the complaint form for the ‘Junta de Andalucía’ and the internal forms provided by Marbella town hall, for their transmission in order to resolve conflicts between companies or service providers and consumers.

It is important to note that before submitting a complaint at OMIC office, you must request the aforementioned official Complaints Form at the company you have an issue with. If you are denied this form or the company states they do not have such a document, you can call the local police to get an official record from them, as by law all companies are required to offer the hoja de reclamaciones to consumers on request.

Once submitted, you have to wait ten days for the company in question to respond. If the answer is contrary to your interests, you can then present the complaints form at the OMIC office, or at the Consumer Service of the Junta de Andalucía:

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