Site icon San Pedro Alcantara

Important changes to the centre of San Pedro

San Pedro Alcántara, not having a natural harbour like most places along the Costa del Sol, instead developed an industry based upon sugar cane that provided the small community with jobs and a livelihood in the middle of the 1800s.

Not much happened in San Pedro for years thereafter as it became somewhat eclipsed in the 1950s by the glamorous influx of the international jet set to Marbella and then Puerto Banús with the building of its yacht marina in the 1970s. In the following years, the town fulfilled primarily a supporting role for its larger neighbours.

San Pedro Alcántara comes into its own
It was the long-awaited construction of the underground bypass completed six years ago that breathed life once again into this small Andalusian town. The boulevard that was designed as a focal point for local families and tourists has indeed delivered what was intended, and it’s vibrant with people at all hours of the day. A wide variety of playparks offer diversion for both young and older children, the bars that line the cycle paths and pavements offer great food and often live music, while the amphitheatre in the middle is a great setting for everything from tango exhibitions to concerts and capoeira spectacles.

The Old Town catches up
While improvements have also been made in the older part of San Pedro, with the pedestrianisation of the Marqués del Duero and a new one-way system implemented, cosmetically things have remained much the same. That was until this week, when the local town hall announced that enhancements to the Plaza de la Iglesia are to go ahead ‘imminently’. Once expected to last ten months, it is now hoped that the works will take only six months and cost 25% less than was originally planned.

The improvements are due to encompass the laying of new surfaces, enhanced access and lighting, underground parking, as well as improved landscaping to offer shade and diverse vegetation. Particular effort will be made to preserve the existing trees in the area. It is hoped the developments will make this a greatly augmented area for hosting events.

We are looking forward to seeing the unveiling of the new Plaza de la Iglesia and don’t worry, we’ll be sure to keep you informed as the works progress!

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