Quentin has been working in consumer protection for most of his career and has specialised in the Financial Services industry since the turn of this century. Initially as a Senior Manager at HBOS Life and Pensions in Buckinghamshire then, since his move to Spain in 2005 he has provided specialist advice in Tax, Mortgages, Pension and Investments to ensure his fellow expatriates are fully compliant with the very different taxation system in their new home in the sun.
Outside of work, he has been married to Margaret, his wife for over 36 years. Together they have brought up five children, who in turn have added nine grandchildren (so far) to the Sellar family
clan. Quentin enjoys rugby (sadly he’s no longer playing), scuba diving, cooking and exploring some of the more remote parts of Spain.”
Quentin Sellar MBA CeMAP ACSI
Private Wealth Manager
Marbella Office: +34 951 350 977
Mobile: +34 679 018 284
Email: quentin.sellar@chasebuchanan.com
For appointment schedule please click here