San Pedro beaches: Jellyfish out and new sand in!

On certain days last year we had to check community notices for jellyfish warnings in the waters around San Pedro, to make sure we avoided being stung while swimming in our lovely bay. It’s true it wasn’t a weekly event, but the Mediteranean has experienced a large increase in numbers of […]

Promising end in sight to the works in San Pedro’s main square

One of the most anticipated dates in San Pedro’s extensive renovation programme surely has to be the completion of the main public square in the centre of town. The Plaza de la Iglesia has been undergoing extensive building work for almost a year now and local residents have missed having access […]

Private security for public spaces in San Pedro Alcántara

The City of Marbella is hiring private security for twenty-eight public spaces in San Pedro Alcántara in a contract worth 1.4 million euros over a four-year duration. Marbella town hall is to place private security guards in 28 public spaces in San Pedro Alcántara, including parks and gardens as well as […]

Year round beach gym coming to San Pedro Alcántara!

Exciting plans are currently in the pipework for additional gym facilities on the San Pedro beach and in other neighbouring resorts along this part of the Costa del Sol. Council authorities in Marbella have asked the Junta de Andalucía (the regional government) for a licence to install beachside areas where people […]

Marbella funds spell continued initiatives for San Pedro Alcántara

Community news for San Pedro residents will remain extremely positive in 2019 due to the recent announcement of increased municipal funding by the Marbella town council. Next year the budget will be raised by 15% to a total of 283 million euros and San Pedro Alcántara will benefit enormously from these […]

 San Pedro has a lottery winner!

  If you’re confused by all the lengthy queues at shops around Spain in the run-up to Christmas, then wonder no more. It is people queuing to buy tickets for Spain’s incomparable ‘El Gordo’, aka ‘the Fat one’ lottery— the biggest in the world. Each Christmas Spaniards go lottery crazy, queuing […]

New app launched to address litter and cleaning problems

The Marbella town hall last month launched a new mobile application/APP called ‘Marbella Clean’ (Marbella Limpia) to address litter and cleanliness problems in Marbella and San Pedro Alcántara. Councillor Diego Lopez and his colleague Baldomero León, presented the app to the general public promising “it will be suitable for different mobile […]

San Pedro merchants reject pedestrianisation

This year San Pedro has undergone some major modernisation with the works mainly focused on the main street, Calle Marques del Duero and the centre of town. So far the comments and opinion of the residents are split into two groups, the ones that are happy with the changes and the […]