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Bad news for San Pedro independence supporters


The Pro-Independence Association of San Pedro Alcántara has issued a communiqué in which it confirms that following the latest negative findings by the constitutional courts, its appeal for independence and creation of the Municipality of San Pedro will be dropped.

As this was the highest judgement to which they can lodge their appeal, the organisation, which has been active for more than 30 years, in accordance with the statutes is automatically dissolved and ceasing activity.

The statement added “We would like to take this opportunity to thank from the bottom of our hearts, all the sampedreños and sampedreñas who have shown their support and love throughout this long journey.

To them we send encouragement to continue being proud of San Pedro Alcántara.”

The Association finishes its statement saying that on behalf of the Commission for the Segregation and Creation of the Municipality of San Pedro Alcántara, for the last time we say:


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