Healthy eating the new order of the day in San Pedro

The healthy living bug can be infectious, not only from one person to another, but how it infiltrates parts of your life other than just exercising. If you haven’t already gone vegan or vegetarian you might have reduced the amount of meat you eat – not only for your diet’s sake, but for a necessary kindness to our planet.

Whilst organic produce continues to increase in popularity and peoples dietary demands change because of allergies or healthier eating principles – the food and beverage industry has adapted to provide a greater choice for consumers.

Tea, coffee and cereal lovers are now embracing a whole new healthier range of milks that you can purchase in supermarkets, rather than just health food shops. Rice, soya and coconut milk are a god send to lactose intolerant people of course, but lactose ‘tolerants’ are drinking them too as another way of cutting down on fat.

Celiacs, people allergic to wheat, have long suffered the annoyance of having to turn down cakes, bread and sauces thickened with flour. Their voices have now been joined by those who complain of bloated stomachs and bad digestion after consuming wheat products, and this has helped to bring many more products to market that people avoiding wheat can consume.

It’s not just the supermarkets that have taken all these new demands on board. Cafés and restaurants are also adapting to the trends and new food establishments are often launched with them very much in mind.

In San Pedro there are now some great cafés that offer either healthier options on their menus or base their whole premise around serving food that is organic, vegetarian and free from wheat and dairy. These places are foodie heaven for the celiac who can now wolf down a flour free chocolate brownie and give a remarkably far greater choice for vegans who normally have to settle for a bowl of fruit.

If you are looking for somewhere to enjoy a café sombra made with soya milk or an organic tomato salad and avocado on wheat free toast, then check out one of these great places:

Organic With Love (OWL)

Origen Organic Food

Hustle ‘n’ flow

Gym Junkie

Ecolandia (Guadalmina)