
The Ayuntamiento will undertake a modernisation plan to renew the image of Avenida del Mediterráneo in San Pedro Alcántara.

This has been moved forward by the Deputy Mayor of Sampedreño, Javier García, who has reported that the works, which have an completion period of two months, will be undertaken by both the OHL company, the contractor of road maintenance, and by the City Hall Parks and Gardens services. It is the main area that connects the urban centres with the beach and the Paseo Marítimo. García stated that the avenue still has had the same type of plants and ornaments since the day it was originally opened.

He went on to advise “The objective we set ourselves is to modernise the image of both the trees and the floral decoration, with a more sustainable concept that improves the general appearance of such an important and busy avenue.” As previously indicated, the San Pedro modernisation program will mean that a total of 50,000 square metres of green areas will be cleaned and enhanced, 3,000 linear metres of flower beds will be remodeled and 45 new flower nuclei will be created.

In detail, there will be a cleaning and enhancement of the hedges along the avenue to provide a greater sense of space. Likewise, the work on the flowerbeds will focus on the elimination of old and dead plants and their replacement by new forms and finishes. With regard to the flower cores, new areas will be built with a modern white concrete treatment. Finally, new plants will be planted incorporating both flowers and shrubs, and new urban furniture will be installed, such as benches and wastebaskets which is more functional, modern and in keeping with the image of a popular tourist destination.