San Pedro’s giant ferris wheel—a new icon for the town?

Recently we shared some exciting news on our social media: the Marbella Town Hall announced that they have approved plans to install a 30-metre high ferris wheel on the San Pedro boulevard. This news brought us a huge amount of feedback from our followers, and of course divided our followers into two camps; the ones that think it’s a great idea and the others who are not such big fans of it.

So we decided to dig a little deeper and see what this ferris wheel could mean to our town and if it will be a good or bad addition to the attraction of San Pedro.

Let’s start from the beginning. The initiative is from private investment, meaning that a business or individual will be taking on all the expenses themselves – this answers the question for all of those who said: “This money should be spent on other things like, roads, schools, etc.”

Secondly, from one of our sources, we heard that Marbella wanted to ‘steal’ the ferris wheel from us and they wanted to install it in the town of Marbella instead…but from what we know the private investors are set on doing it in San Pedro.

If we are being completely honest with you, when we first heard of this initiative, we also had our doubts, but we do recognize that this could mean a lot to our town. Looking back, we remember that when the plans for the boulevard itself were proposed, many citizens hated the idea also and were totally against it, but as we can see now it has become an iconic part of our town that attracts tourists and also…we all love it! So who knows, maybe this ferris wheel will become another emblematic feature of San Pedro. 

The ferris wheel is set to be 30 metres high with 50 cabins equipped with air-conditioning. It is a private initiative with an investment of 1.5 million euros, with a ten-year concession. It is planned to be in place by next summer, 2021.

We do believe that this will attract more tourists, more business and will create new opportunities for our town, but we would love to see what you think about this initiative.

Are you looking to having a ride? 🙂