Promising end in sight to the works in San Pedro’s main square

One of the most anticipated dates in San Pedro’s extensive renovation programme surely has to be the completion of the main public square in the centre of town. The Plaza de la Iglesia has been undergoing extensive building work for almost a year now and local residents have missed having access to the charming area in front of the San Pedro Alcántara parish church.

The diggers and plastic barricades have gone and although not completely finished, the square is mainly clear of debris and new seating and shaded areas are now available to the community. Talking points are currently focused on the red slatted canopies erected to provide respite from the sun—a very modern addition to the architecture of this lovely part of San Pedro. However it’s difficult to visualise exactly how the town square will appear when it is completed, as there are still several important elements to be finalised.

The curved marble seating has been improved and extended throughout every area of the pedestrianised walkway, ensuring there will be room for even more residents to take a seat and watch the world go by. Of interest is the bandstand, still in construction, that will be larger than its predecessor and a greater focal point of the venue. Future events during San Pedro feria and other local celebrations are bound to think of interesting and fun ways in which to take full advantage of the renovated platform.

Finally the development will be even more aesthetically pleasing once the large water features are up and running, and when plants and flowers are returned to accessorise the spaces with outdoor furniture already in place.

The San Pedro Guide will bring more news about the final works to the Plaza de la Iglesia soon!