San Pedro’s urban modernisation

Works carried out on San Pedro’s main street, Calle Marqués del Duero, have recently been completed as part of the town’s modernisation programme—its biggest urban transformation in recent years. This main street leads up to the most ambitious works of the scheme set by the town council, with the modernisation and total remodeling of the church square, Plaza de la Iglesia, San Pedro’s central point and where the Town Hall (Ayuntamiento) building is located.

After some controversy, the council has finally relocated seven palm trees from Marqués del Duero to a similar environment, and has transplanted three more to the Avenida del Mediterráneo, a short distance away. The yuccas and other bushes were moved to San Pedro’s main park – Parque Tres Jardines.

Other measures have also been implemented such as the renewal of existing planters to prevent soil from dirtying the pavements, and the removal of some palm trees that will be replaced by orange trees, together with various seasonal plants.

The latest action taken by the Town Hall is the relocation of 25 palm trees, according to an agreement they reached with the company that supplies electricity to the town, Endesa. The trees were going to be cut down for safety reasons. Therefore, the palm trees located in Vega del Mar Avenue are being relocated and the council will assume the transfer costs.

The deputy mayor of San Pedro explained that the top of these palm trees reached up to high voltage cables, so they had become a potential problem for public safety due to the risk of fire and electric shocks, so the trees in question will be redistributed to other areas such as Avenida Lyon, Ronda Sur and Parque Tres Jardines, among others.

Other smaller trees will replace the ones that have to be moved as a temporary solution until in the long term the electricity cables are buried underground.