Agenda for the San Pedro feria 2018

Local singer, La Negra Mayte, will be responsible for the official opening ceremony at this year’s San Pedro fair, which begins on Tuesday October 16th.

On the same day, a parade of giants and big-heads (Gigantes y Cabezudos) will parade through San Pedro’s main streets at 19:00hrs.

Also on Tuesday, at 21:30hrs, as with every year, fireworks will be held at the main San Pedro beach, La Salida, to celebrate the official switching on of the fairground lights.

On Wednesday 17th the Day Fair will open to public at 13:30hrs with a Flamenco performance and comedy artist Pepito El Caja following at 17:00hrs.

The children’s party, Fiesta del Niño, is also on Wednesday, at the municipal marquee, with lower prices that day for fairground attractions. Face painting workshops, balloon modeling, inflatable castles, a rock climbing wall and many surprises for all. Free cake and refreshments for all children attending (with cake for celiacs also available).















On Thursday October 18th  the Great Fair Parade takes place at 17:00hrs starting from C/ San Javier. At 22:00hrs there is ‘Orchestra Dance Night’ at the main marquee.

Also on Thursday, pop-rock-latin music band Efecto Pasillo, who reached Nº 1 in Spain are playing at 23:30hrs at the main marquee (caseta municipal) with free admission.

On Friday 19th, there is free admission to see David de María, a well-known Spanish singer and songwriter at 23:30hrs at the main marquee.

Saturday 20th at 23:30hrs the return of Niña Pastori, one of Spain’s most important flamenco pop singer-songwriters, who’s sold over two million copies throughout her 22 year career. Also free admission at the main marquee.

On the last day of the fair, Sunday 21st from 19:00hrs the Night of Local Bands will commence at the main marquee with performances by Rockinger Z, Devils in the Sky and Furia Falconet, with free admission to all.